lunedì 18 febbraio 2013

Wind Turbines For Homes - Make Your Own Windmill

Wind turbines for homes are starting to become more and more important as a supply of renewable energy, not just as a source of energy, but it also helps in our fight against global warming by replacing energy that would otherwise have to be produced using fossil fuels. Make your own windmill they are a meaningful answer to the general public's thirst for information on green energy DIY projects, and using one of the great online guides obtainable they are relatively cheap and simple to construct, very efficient and will save you a ton of money on your yearly electricity bills.
The 4 basic components of your residential wind turbines are as follows:
The base is the secure pad on which the tower will sit and is usually made of concrete in order that it will be able to stand up to the stresses placed on it by the wind. If you are using a smaller portable turbine then you should find it more convenient to make a number of smaller bases, so that you can move your turbine to take better advantage of the direction and strength of the wind.
The purpose of the tower is just to support the wind turbine plus the rotor blades and to protect the rotating shaft that transfers the power from the turbine to the gearbox. The tower needs to be strong and have some flex in it in order to withstand the high winds and as the wind turbine will rotate to face into the wind and as the wind direction varies it should have all round strength. Wood is a good choice as it has good strength, has flexibility and is simple to work on and fix together, this is important as this is a DIY project and you will be doing the work yourself. The height of the tower will depend on the topography of your land and the available wind speed but it should be at least 6 foot high.
Rotor Blades
It is because of the technological advances in rotor blade engineering designs that have made the wind turbine more efficient and therefore more useful as a Do It Yourself project for home energy generation. Rotor blades are almost always best purchased premade as the materials used and the precision of the angles for the leading edges of the blades are vital to their efficiency and therefore the quantity of power the can take from the available wind. The premade rotor blades can add significantly to the build cost, but in the long term the additional expense is well worth it. The information pack you are using will go into this aspect in great detail and will go through the necessary steps to take if you want to save this additional cost and construct your own rotor blades. The rotor size and weight ratio in relationship to the tower and the wind turbine will again be carefully set out in the kit as this balance is crucial to the efficient working of your home wind power turbine system.
This is the part of the system that determines how much power your wind turbine will make, the wind flow is transmogrified into physical rotational power by the rotor blades that are fixed to the wind turbine, this rotational power is carried down the tower to the gearbox via the shaft. The gear box turns the physical rotational power into electric energy.
Chris R Hartley is an advocate for Green Energy Solutions and affiliate for green products. [] is my site and contains lots of information and ideas for your Green Energy Projects. Take a look at my review. Green Energy Solutions [].

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